Our Message
Human connection is a golden thread woven through the tapestry of our lives. No matter our age, we are social beings. Yet, the social needs of older-adults often go unmet -- not only due to the lack of medical/insurance prioritization -- but also from cultural indifference, ageism and insensitivity.
Consider the following:
Social deficits usually result from conditions outside the control of older adults (i.e., death of a spouse, failing health, reduced mobility, no longer driving, etc. ​
Accessing senior centers/community programs is difficult due to transportation/disability issues.
Visits from families/friends are limited due to full schedules, sandwiched caregiving, or not living close by.
In-home support programs that bulk services (i.e. personal care, housekeeping, meal preparation, etc.) afford minimal time for quality social interaction.
Long-term care facilities may not have the staffing/funding to meet patient social needs. ​
​​​The time for prioritizing older-adult social needs has come and our mission is to bridge the gap. Please call on us anytime if we can help you or someone you love.
Thank you.